
Helper functions

get_output Computes the output of the network at one or more given layers.
get_output_shape Computes the output shape of the network at one or more given layers.
get_all_layers This function gathers all layers below one or more given Layer instances, including the given layer(s).
get_all_params This function gathers all parameters of all layers below one or more given Layer instances, including the layer(s) itself.
count_params This function counts all parameters (i.e., the number of scalar values) of all layers below one or more given Layer instances, including the layer(s) itself.
get_all_param_values This function returns the values of the parameters of all layers below one or more given Layer instances, including the layer(s) itself.
set_all_param_values Given a list of numpy arrays, this function sets the parameters of all layers below one or more given Layer instances (including the layer(s) itself) to the given values.

Layer base classes

Layer The Layer class represents a single layer of a neural network.
MergeLayer This class represents a layer that aggregates input from multiple layers.

Network input

InputLayer This layer holds a symbolic variable that represents a network input.

Dense layers

DenseLayer A fully connected layer.
NonlinearityLayer A layer that just applies a nonlinearity.
NINLayer Network-in-network layer.

Convolutional layers

Conv1DLayer 1D convolutional layer
Conv2DLayer 2D convolutional layer

Pooling layers

MaxPool1DLayer 1D max-pooling layer
MaxPool2DLayer 2D max-pooling layer
Pool2DLayer 2D pooling layer
GlobalPoolLayer Global pooling layer
FeaturePoolLayer Feature pooling layer
FeatureWTALayer ‘Winner Take All’ layer

Recurrent layers

CustomRecurrentLayer A layer which implements a recurrent connection.
RecurrentLayer Dense recurrent neural network (RNN) layer
LSTMLayer A long short-term memory (LSTM) layer.
GRULayer Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Layer
Gate Simple class to hold the parameters for a gate connection.

Noise layers

DropoutLayer Dropout layer
dropout alias of DropoutLayer
GaussianNoiseLayer Gaussian noise layer.

Shape layers

ReshapeLayer A layer reshaping its input tensor to another tensor of the same total number of elements.
reshape alias of ReshapeLayer
FlattenLayer A layer that flattens its input.
flatten alias of FlattenLayer
DimshuffleLayer A layer that rearranges the dimension of its input tensor, maintaining the same same total number of elements.
dimshuffle alias of DimshuffleLayer
PadLayer Pad all dimensions except the first batch_ndim with width zeros on both sides, or with another value specified in val.
pad alias of PadLayer
SliceLayer Slices the input at a specific axis and at specific indices.

Merge layers

ConcatLayer Concatenates multiple inputs along the specified axis.
concat alias of ConcatLayer
ElemwiseMergeLayer This layer performs an elementwise merge of its input layers.
ElemwiseSumLayer This layer performs an elementwise sum of its input layers.

Embedding layers

EmbeddingLayer A layer for word embeddings.


corrmm.Conv2DMMLayer 2D convolutional layer


cuda_convnet.Conv2DCCLayer 2D convolutional layer
cuda_convnet.MaxPool2DCCLayer 2D max-pooling layer
cuda_convnet.ShuffleBC01ToC01BLayer shuffle 4D input from bc01 (batch-size-first) order to c01b
cuda_convnet.bc01_to_c01b alias of ShuffleBC01ToC01BLayer
cuda_convnet.ShuffleC01BToBC01Layer shuffle 4D input from c01b (batch-size-last) order to bc01
cuda_convnet.c01b_to_bc01 alias of ShuffleC01BToBC01Layer
cuda_convnet.NINLayer_c01b Network-in-network layer with c01b axis ordering.


dnn.Conv2DDNNLayer 2D convolutional layer
dnn.MaxPool2DDNNLayer 2D max-pooling layer
dnn.Pool2DDNNLayer 2D pooling layer